27 September 2014

War - What is it Good For?.... Absolutely NOTHING!

I met a friend on FB during school in Art History - His true passion to share creative history of the beautiful side of Egypt with other videos is even designed to be enjoyable for our children to learn from. Now, I feel it important to share the current issues he also addresses so that we can know the truth.
The following story has been shared by Veteran Dr. Ashraf Ezzat, who has been caught in the line of fire in Cairo in past few years while trying to help others injured in the square.He has composed a detailed story that explains the: who/what/when/where/how & why of the complicated battles we only see a snippet of in the comfort of our home.

My prayers go to all who are one by one trying to make a difference - I honor this friendship as someone trying to do just that. I hope it helps others by sharing it like this as well.
Here is something you don't see on regular TV - It truly shames what I believe to be love is all there is!
You will find that the words in their language are not necessary to receive the message of this vicious group - this reality is something I found lacking in other media reports when trying to understand the threats by senseless killings of kidnapped individuals they used to threaten US, UK, etc.

For more details: Read the Blog dated September 26, 2014 by Ashraf Ezzat: 

ISIS AND ISLAM: THE UGLY TRUTH at: http://ashraf62.wordpress.com/2014/09/26/isis-and-islam-the-ugly-truth/

(Watch this extremely graphic video of ISIS brutal mass execution of Iraqi civilians and soldiers – watch at your discretion)


23 September 2014

Light As A Feather

Many years ago after attending an Oneida PowWow, I called myself "Light As A Feather" - my intention to walk lightly on this earth. It is easy to try to treat others as you would like to be treated. But tonight I watched the 2010 movie - "A Good Day to Die" - history of 1960's about the true native americans & the ongoing challenges of being here on this earth before others chose to push them out - if this land is meant for our children, may we begin to learn how to live together NOW! 

Honoring what we can learn, instead of wiping away the gifts and knowledge of the true history of this America you want to call home. Powerful message of how poorly I was taught the truth, and how important it is to not keep repeating the cycle of violence based on ignorance or fear. 

May you find peace on your journey & love without end - I remain focused on learning more about the land I walk, and bless those who came before me and those who continue to teach us how to really live with purpose.